Mi pequeño hermano invisible

Mi pequeño hermano invisible


The magic of this duotone album is that it is printed with two colors: an orange and a color-black shadow. The book also includes a pair of cardboard glasses with red cellophane lenses. Thus the book provides two completely different readings, changing the appearance of the artwork and plot development...[more]

How to Impress Your Kids

How to Impress Your Kids


Many parents only seem capable of attending meetings and being stuck in traffic-jams. They have forgotten how to play with their children or how to connect with their perceptions of the world. But now there is this book, which enables everyone to make an unforgettable impression on his or her children....[more]




Curzio Malaparte was a disaffected supporter of Mussolini with a taste for danger and high living. Sent by an Italian paper during World War II to cover the fighting on the Eastern Front, Malaparte secretly wrote this terrifying report from the abyss, which became an international bestseller when it...[more]

A Menina do Fio

A Menina do Fio


In this modern fairy tale the princess is not in a good mood as it is shown in the classic stories and she is not dying to get married to a prince charming either. Actually she is not in the mood for anything. What makes her so grumpy is a hard and shiny hair which grows in the middle of her head and...[more]

Dear Dad

Dear Dad


A wonderful journal to be filled and edited by your kids for Father\'s Day or just for any other day to say how special Dad is! This way they can make a totally personal document about Dad. With funny texts and illustrations it’s a perfect gift for Father’s Day, or any other occasion in which you...[more]

Dear Mom

Dear Mom


A wonderful journal to be filled and edited by your kids for Mother\'s Day or just for any other day to say how special Mom is! This way they can make a totally personal document about Mom. With funny texts and illustrations it’s a perfect gift for Mother\'s Day, or any other occasion in which you...[more]

Relax Mama!

Relax Mama!


'No mother knows exactly what she is doing', 'Sex is for sissies', 'You can still rock mama.' As a mother you can never get enough reassurance. New mothers as well as women who have been a mother for a while can be insecure about their motherhood. Am I doing allright? Why aren’t I as perfect as...[more]

Zwangerschapsboek  voor mannen!

Zwangerschapsboek voor mannen!


Over 26,000 copies sold in Holland alone! Pregnancy Book for Men In this pregnancy book, men are kept up to date week by week on what is happening with the little baby in the belly, and their girlfriend. Published in: English, German, French, Russian and Chinese. This pregnancy book for men fills you...[more]

Daarom! En andere diepzinnige antwoorden op kindervragen

Daarom! En andere diepzinnige antwoorden op kindervragen


‘Why are we here? What happens after we die? Where was I before I was born?’ Nobody knows the answers. Therefore we have now created this book with funny, original and fabulous answers to questions nobody knows the answers to. Scientists and philosophers explain how they tackle such questions. ‘Because...[more]

Snor Guide: 30 Something for Women

Snor Guide: 30 Something for Women


The life of a 30+ woman seems good. That is… if you don’t count the first wrinkles, grey hair and dilemmas that haunt women of a ‘certain age’. But hey, it’s not all bad to grow older. You get rid of the insecurities of a twenty something-year-old woman. You’re a real woman now. Those young...[more]

Snor-guide: 40 something for men

Snor-guide: 40 something for men


Forty is the age that not only your brains are mature, but also the various brain areas are in balance. You have experience. You know what you’re good at. You know yourself a little. You’re a real man, you have responsibilities and influence. Now you can really show your worth! It is likely you’re...[more]

Snor-guide: 40 something for women

Snor-guide: 40 something for women


Perimenopause, the first wrinkles and gray hair. It is certainly not just nice to be older. Although ... life just really begins at 40! This book contains how nice life is, when you’re passed forty. With workshops wear short skirts, articles about the changing relationship with your parents and interviews...[more]

Cuento sin Titulo

Cuento sin Titulo


Life can be surprising and taking risk can change all! The little protagonist of the story hadn't planned on leaving her safe little house, but then realized, that really the first step to leave safety is the hardest and daring can be highly rewarded!

Parenting Calendar

Parenting Calendar


Every week a spot on tip on how to educate your child(ren) a bit. Put the calendar someplace nice and be inspired week by week: ‘Don’t say no’, ‘Stick a post-it on your blouse with ‘timeout’ and ‘Introduce a family tradition’. On the front of every weekpage a great tip with beautiful...[more]

Histórias  da Onça e do Macaco

Histórias da Onça e do Macaco


The jaguar thinks of nothing else than capturing the monkey, but always ends up being outsmarted by him! In this book, Vera do Val offers graceful and funny retellings of various stories concerning these two old foes, where each character tries to be the best trickster and to have the last word! Includes...[more]

Cuanta Tierra Necesita un Hombre?

Cuanta Tierra Necesita un Hombre?


A wonderfully illustrated version of Tolstoi\'s classic tale! Pajom is a farmer who the more land he has, the more land he needs. Knowing that the people of a distant region offer as much land as you can go in one day, he’ll try to cover as much as possible... Elena Odriozola has captured the narrative...[more]

Abecedário de Aves Brasileiras

Abecedário de Aves Brasileiras


For each letter of the alphabet, this book offers illustrated basic information on a Brazilian bird whose name begins with that letter. If the idea is simple, the execution is majestic. These beautiful collages by Geraldo Valério depict well-known Brazilian birds in all their living color, opening our...[more]

A Criação  do Mundo e Outras Lendas da Amazônia

A Criação do Mundo e Outras Lendas da Amazônia


The Creation of the World is a compilation of eight indigenous myths about the origins of the world, the night, the stars, the moon, the rivers and the peoples of the forest. One of these, about the advent of night, tells of an exhausted sun that must shine without rest while the night sleeps in the...[more]

Op de Achter Bank

Op de Achter Bank


A sheet that makes your book talk, puzzles with codes that need to be cracked, which are then used to watch films on the iPhone or iPad, or in an interactive treasure hunt for along the road. In the Backseat is a new kind of vacation do-it-yourself book for children. It’s so packed with interactive...[more]

Abecedário de Bichos Brasileiros

Abecedário de Bichos Brasileiros


After his The ABC of Brazilian birds, Geraldo Valério confirms his virtuosity in the art of collage depicting animals of several species from the Brazilian fauna. Along with the illustrations, the biologist Humberto Conzo Junior writes some basic information concerning each specimen.

Cheerful in 3 1/2 Months!

Cheerful in 3 1/2 Months!


Do things differently from what you’re used to and things will seem a lot more fun straight away. Light a fake cigarette, send a gift to someone you don’t know, practice a wheelie, replace all of your filler words for words in Hawaiian. With the course you find in this book you’ll say goodbye...[more]

Pregnancy Countdown Calendar

Pregnancy Countdown Calendar


“How long till the new baby will be born?” When you have told the sisters and brothers there is a new baby in your belly, they can’t wait. And keep asking the same question over and over again.\r\nWith this nice calendar you can enjoy the pregnancy with the whole family. Week to week information,...[more]




One day, Djô, a little yellow monkey who dreams of flying, winds up in a circus, where he makes friends with the elephant Rebab. Rebab is old and tired and wants to go back to the place he was born. On their journey back to the forest, Djô and Rebab discover the true meaning of friendship.

Snor Guide: 30 something for Men

Snor Guide: 30 something for Men


Are you old when you get thirty? Not at all! In your thirties you are young and physical healthy. Finally\r\nyou are taken seriously, but then again you have to behave like an adult. How you can do that you can\r\nfind in this cheerful book. Serious information and painful recognizable oneliners all-in...[more]

Yvestown: the kitchens I visited

Yvestown: the kitchens I visited


The book will be a combination of visiting inspiring kitchens from family and friends and recipes of what the people in those kitchens prepare. What do the kitchens look like, what kind of ingredients the people use, what kind of pots, pans, spoons, accessories we find in their kitchen and what do they...[more]