Eloar Guazzelli Son ( Vacaria , 1962) is a Brazilian comic book artist and illustrator . Publishes comics since the 1990s , having been awarded the Yomiuri International Cartoon Contest (1991 ) and the International Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba in 1991 , 1992 and 1994 was also placed first in the 2nd International Biennale of Comics , in Rio de Janeiro , in category " Comics " .1 2 Guazzelli also won the Trophy HQ Mix : Designer revelation in 1994 ; children's book in 1999 and 2000 ; independent publication and only edition (with Insane clock) in 2008.3 4 5
Curzio Malaparte was a disaffected supporter of Mussolini with a taste for danger and high living. Sent by an Italian paper during World War II to cover the fighting on the Eastern Front, Malaparte secretly wrote this terrifying report from the abyss, which became an international bestseller when it...[more]